Ayn rand

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Alice learned to read and write early, at the age of 4. She started to write short stories when she was still in grammar school. In 1917, Zinovy Rosenbaum's property was confiscated and the family moved to the Crimea, where Alice finished school in Yevpatoria.
Alice was the eldest of three daughters (Alice, Natalia and Nora). The father of the family worked as a manager in the large pharmacy of Alexander Klinge on Nevsky Prospect and Znamenskaya Square. The family lived in a flat on the first floor of the mansion above the pharmacy.
Father - Zalman Wolf
(Zinovius Zaharovich)
pharmacy manager
Mother - Hana Berkovna Kaplan (Anna Borisovna) dental technician
Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum
At the age of 9 I decided to become a writer
in revolutionary
in a Jewish family
Books became a refuge for her. She fell in love with French novels before she was ten and Hugo became her favourite author.
At this early age, she began to think in eternal global categories and principles became an important part of her thinking.
© I will write about who people should be, not who they are.
05 February 1905 
in St. Petersburg
The First World War was a tragedy for nine-year-old Alice. When St Petersburg was besieged, most of the Rosenbaum family died.
Alice's father lost everything and became an ordinary labourer struggling to get a piece of bread and trying to save his family from the hated Reds.
World War I
The revolution of 1917
An indelible mark
world history & the people.
in the mind
9 years old
12 years old
13 years old
Victor Hugo
His writings instilled in her a belief in the power of the printed word. That the book could be an effective tool for great things.
Victor Hugo influenced her more than anyone else. Alice always considered Hugo to be the greatest figure in the world of literature.
Student and youth in
the Soviet country
At university she shocked a philosophy professor with her statement. But he gave her the highest grade for her confidence.
In 1924, Alice graduated from a three-year course combining history, philology and law with a specialisation in social pedagogy.
1921 — 1924
© My philosophical views are not yet part of the history of philosophy, but they will become part of it.
"Paula Negri" — first work
1926 год
After graduation, Ayn Rand's first printed work came out. An essay on the work of the popular silent film actress Paula Negri.
In 1925 Alice received a visa for a trip to the United States. She said goodbye to her family and decided never to return. America seemed to her to be the freest country in the world, a country of individuals.
US visa
The freest country
in the world
She settled with relatives in Chicago. Her parents remained in Leningrad, and both died during the blockade during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945. Her sisters also stayed in the USSR.
Alice Rosenbvum arrived in New York, speaking absolutely no English, armed only with a typewriter and a few personal belongings.
The resourceful Russian immigrant chose the name Ayn and took the name of her typewriter, Remington Rand, as her surname.
Alice in Hollywood
Marriage and visa
Alice, now Ayn Rand, dreamed of becoming a writer. She went to Hollywood. She hoped for a career as a screenwriter, but her four screenplays written in Russia did not interest American film producers.
In 1927 the studio where Ayn Rand worked closed. She worked at various part-time jobs until 1932: as a waitress, a newspaper subscription saleswoman, and then as a costumier at RKO Radio Pictures.
In Hollywood, Ayn met young actor Frank O'Connor, whom she married in 1929. Part of the reason for this romantic adventure was that her visa was expiring disastrously.
The marriage satisfied immigration officials and she was granted American citizenship in 1931. The marriage lasted fifty years, and Frank O'Connor became husband, friend, but also attorney and editor.
Ayn Rand and her husband Frank O'Connor
her dream is to become a writer
She went to Hollywood, hoping career as a writer, but neither one four scenarios interested in American film productions.
Literary work
These 7 books have sold 30,000,000 copies in the last 40 years
She wrote, but did not publish.
Rand wrote her first short story in English, The Husband I Bought, in 1926, her first year in the United States. It was not published until 1984.
In 1932, Rand managed to sell the Red Pawn script to Universal Studios for $1,500, which at that time was a large sum. This money allowed her to quit her job and concentrate on her literary work.
Эти деньги позволили ей оставить работу и сосредоточиться на литературной деятельности.
и позволило оставить работу, чтобы  сосредоточиться на литературной деятельности.
the story "Anthem"
the novel "The Source"
The novel "Atlas Shrugged"
Philosophical work Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
A philosophical work "For the intellectual"
Philosophy: Who needs it
The Virtue of Selfishness' philosophical work
A sensational hit
and a National
"The Fountainhead"
Ayn Rand did not question whether fame would come to her. The only question was how long it would take. Success came quickly.
1943 — publication of "The Source"
1945 — on the bestseller list
1949 — film adaptation in Hollywood
Director King Vidor, Ayn Rand and actor Gary Cooper on set
in 1945
"Who is John Galt?"
Ayn Rand wrote the first line of "Atlas Shrugged" in 1946. It was the apocalyptic "Who is John Galt?" and spent the next twelve years trying to answer this question in a deep philosophical dialogue.
"Atlas Shrugged"
It is not so much a novel as an epic myth about what happens when "thinking people" go on strike. The protagonist expresses the spirit of all entrepreneurship in the world. His phrase vividly demonstrates this:
"I will never live for another person and I will never ask another person to live for me.
It took 2 years and 500,000 words to write John Galt's famous radio speech. Rand wouldn't let Random House Publishers cut a word out of it. She asked: "would you abridge the Bible?"
6 000 000
Sold since
100 000
Sold each year
The book has
In a 1991 poll of 5,000 members of the Book of the Month Club, "Atlas Shrugged" was ranked as the second most influential book on respondents' lives after the Bible.
The paradox is that it is a monumental work, replete with long, complex philosophical arguments. It is full of sharply unpopular ideas, as, indeed, was Ayn Rand herself.
was recognised in 1991 as
the second book
after the Bible
& unstoppable
Ayn Rand's individuality is
Despite the success of the book, the literary establishment views the author as an outsider. Critics have either ignored the work or condemned it.
Among philosophers, Ayn Rand is a pariah, in spite of the fact that Atlas Shrugged is as much a philosophical work as it is a fiction novel.
In many countries, Ayn Rand remains a little-known writer and philosopher
Rand scorns the trends of modern American society and challenges the cultural tradition of the last two and a half thousand years. And without false modesty he declares: "This is serious."
For his part
A man should not trade on lesser values, neither in books nor in life.
Ayn Rand
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